Live: |
123, Adrian T Bell, Aid Kid, Audiot, Bajofondo, Betty Bears, Bitosti, Brian Charette, Deaths, Dena, Devla, Dignity Dope, Ella Eyre, Fallgrapp, Garden City Movement, Hazmat Modine, Heymoonshaker, Holy, Houpací koně, Hugo Kant, Childhood, Ille, Kamp!, Katarzia, Kewu, Kieslowski, Kittchen, Lanugo, LFNT, Manon Meurt, Mayen, MGDLN, Modre Hory, Mydy Rabycad, Never Sol, Nylon Jail, Ohm Square, Oratnitza, post-hudba, Prodavač, Repetitor, Ritchie Ruftone, Susana Sawoff, The Dumplings, The Finally, The Hearing, The Unusual History of Ether, The Angelcy, Tigerhead, Toi Let, Trains of Thoughts, VeitB, Velvet Two Stripes, Vložte Kočku, Voila, VR Nobody, When we are wild